Brazilian Aquaculture: Aquishow 2022

Five national companies, several of them installed in Puerto Montt, participated along with #ProChile in the biggest trade fair for aquaculture in Brazil: Aquishow 2022, held in the city of San Jose de Rio Preto, Sao Paulo.
Alvaro Camargo Jr., of the Commercial Office of ProChile in Sao Paulo, highlighted the good reception is achieved by the chilean companies in that country, where they valued the experience and development achieved by Chile in the field of aquaculture.
Our Manager Aquabench participated in this fair where he was able to interiorisarse of the progress in the development of this industry, "aquaculture in Brazil has major differences to what is known in Chile. While the volume of production is similar (20% less) has a huge potential for development and growth. They currently produce more than 800 thousand tons of fish culture, by being the half of this volume, the production of tilapia. The rest are native fish.
Most of this production is destined to the domestic market. One important difference is that the production is very rare in many small businesses and co-operatives of producers. unlike Chile, where the players are few and have been consolidated. We believe that in time it is likely that the industry will consolidate and profesionalice much more their operations, improving the capture and management of information and productive health, which is a basic requirement for the development of services for data analysis, as performed by #Aquabench
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