
Services for the Industry

Our company has been working since 2007 in the research and development of solutions for the aquaculture industry.

The value of the information

All our services are aimed at optimizing business management, facilitating decision-making, promoting collaborative work, and improving the productivity and efficiency of fish farms. Aquabench® is recognized for its multidisciplinary professional team and its knowledge of the industry. We develop different types of reports with analysis of sanitary and productive information, as well as results.

— Management Projects

We promote innovative solutions to optimize sanitary management in the salmon industry, promoting responsible practices that improve animal welfare and ensure sustainable production. We have a collaborative work methodology that addresses the main challenges of the industry.

Caligus Project

  • Project started in 2013
  • Prevention and control strategies
  • Continuous anti-parasitic drug update
  • Collaboration in best sanitary practices

This project, led by Aquabench® since 2013, started as a response to the increase of caligidosis in Aysén, involving 14 companies representing 90% of the salmon industry. It has coordinated more effective anti-parasitic treatments and developed studies on hydrogen peroxide doses, drug distribution, and caligus behavior. It has also evaluated non-pharmacological alternatives, promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for the control of this disease.

SRS Project

  • Project started in 2015
  • Project treatment efficacy score
  • Plan to reduce antibiotics use
  • Collaboration in best sanitary practices

The SRS Control Project, which Aquabench® started in 2015, seeks to reduce SRS prevalence and antibiotic use in the salmon industry, with the participation of 12 companies representing 80% of the sector. In three years, it has driven agreements within the Antibiotic Reduction Plan and advances in productive and treatment strategies. This has provided key tools to reduce SRS mortality and improve production-sanitary management in the industry.

Melanosis Project

  • Project started in 2022
  • Standardization of its measurement
  • Development of scientific information
  • Mitigation reports

Melanosis in muscle mainly affects Atlantic salmon, generating significant economic losses for the industry. In 2022, Aquabench® launched a project with 9 companies (70% of the national production) to characterize this condition, identify associated factors, and develop measures to reduce its incidence through collaborative research and epidemiological studies.

Gill Project

  • Project started in 2022
  • Standardization of gill score
  • Continuous updating of the status of gills, amoeba, harmful algae bloom, and jellyfish.
  • Collaboration, best practices, and use of treatment

This project was born due to the impact of gill health on fish and the need for standardized follow-up among the different companies. It is currently integrated by 5 companies, with which continuous technical meetings are coordinated to evaluate the gill status and associated conditions, such as oxygen levels, water temperature, microflora, and microfauna, among others. Statistical analysis of the data also helps companies to make strategic decisions, such as choosing the best time to start a treatment or applying a protective diet.

Yelcho Project

  • Project started in 2023
  • Aimed at finding effective solutions against SRS and reducing the use of antibiotics.
  • At the beginning of 2024 the Yelcho Alliance was signed with the corresponding authorities (SAG and Sernapesca), Salmonchile, and the Salmon Council.
  • Continuous scouting in search of new solutions for SRS

Eleven producers requested Aquabench® to manage this project, based on the collaborative methodology used by the company in these initiatives. The project also has an experienced director in the pharmaceutical environment, David Farcas, and a technical-scientific committee composed of technical directors from the different companies and renowned scientists such as Alexis Kalergis, director of the Millennium Institute. After an intense scouting process to identify new pharmaceutical companies that can incorporate solutions that prevent SRS, Yelcho is currently about to start experimental trials to test new vaccines and follow them in the field.

Audits and Biosecurity

Since 2007, we have been optimizing biosecurity in salmon farming through technical audits. With our experience and technology, we identify and mitigate sanitary risks, improving the efficiency and sustainability of the operations. Our detailed assessments will allow you to make informed decisions to ensure the continuity of your business.


It consists of an analysis of the biosecurity conditions of the facilities or production by auditing the cleaning and disinfection processes. Our services in this area are related to: egg certification; general biosecurity of facilities, vaccination processes; sanitary/ environmental compliance; critical production processes, and EU compartmentalization.

Maritime transport

In trucks and vessels. The audit covers two processes, one at the structural level that determines the existence of suitable conditions for the transfer of fish. Our services have to do with: structural biosecurity; cleaning and disinfection; diagnosis prior to transport; truck water replacement; reports about water loading in vessels; follow-up of fish transfer, and audits on vessels that transport feed.

Grow-out fish farms

The services associated with this stage are related to the following activities: general biosecurity of facilities; antiparasitic bath treatments, both traditional and in wellboats; gill damage audits; vaccination processes; suppliers’ biosecurity; and animal welfare and handling audits.

Harvest transfer and processing plants

We carry out audits to follow-up the transfer of fish, and also to food safety in plants.

— Research

We develop research proposals that address topics with varying degrees of uncertainty in the industry. We apply a data-driven approach to transform challenges into concrete solutions. From field studies to advanced trend analysis, we generate practical knowledge that drives innovation and sustainability in the salmon industry.

Innovative Health Strategies

  • Design and implementation of pilot trials.
  • Evaluation of non-pharmacological products and tools.
  • Generation of effective solutions against diseases and parasites.

We analyze and develop solutions that make a difference in the sanitary management of the salmon industry. Our approach includes the design of small-scale trials and field assessments, ensuring that each strategy is effective, sustainable, and adaptable to the specific needs of the companies.

Optimization of Productive Processes

  • Identification of critical areas in production.
  • Detailed data analysis for customized strategies.
  • Boosting sustainability and operational efficiency.

Through advanced data analysis tools, we help companies to identify key opportunities to improve their processes. From the modeling of scenarios to the implementation of strategies, our work ensures more efficient, profitable, and sustainable production.

— Analytics

Aquabench’s Data Analytics area provides statistics and data analysis for the salmon industry. Our goal is to deliver timely and quality information on the current status and trends of the main indicators of the industry.

AQB Reports – Salmobench®

We provide a complete overview of the main production and sanitary indicators
of the salmon industry, from monthly summaries to annual reports on
different variables of interest. Our reports help to understand trends,
optimize strategies and make decisions.

  • Benchmarking of the productive grow-out stage.
  • Benchmarking of processing plants.
  • Harvest projections.
  • Global industry reports.
    • Seeding, harvests, productive indicators, sanitary indicators,
      exports, etc.
  • Special reports that address specific information
    • Vaccines, strains, cage size, feed, etc.
  • Development of customized reports for producers and industry
  • Benchmarking of freshwater operations (under development).
  • Market share (under development).

Analysis and Consulting

At Aquabench, we have a multidisciplinary team that uses data,
epidemiology, and creativity to address different challenges and needs. Our
purpose is to foster data-based production for better

What we do:

  • Data analysis.
  • Data visualization.
  • Predictive models.
  • Risk factor analysis.
  • Design of epidemiological studies.
  • Consulting in information management, data analysis and strategy.
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