

Sanitary Management Projects

Since 2007 researching and developing for the aquaculture industry


This project was born in 2013 after a significant increase of caligidosis in the Region of Aysén and consequently a need to control this disease. Thus, Aquabench takes the leading role in this project.

Currently this project is integrated by 12 production companies, representing approximately 87% of the industry.

During these years this initiative has carried out coordination of antiparasitic treatments together with the companies, which favors a more effective control of caligus in different areas. Different studies have also been developed, which as an example, have established effective doses of hydrogen peroxide treatments, improvements in antiparasitic distribution systems or analysis of caligus population behavior. Another advance has been the evaluation of non-pharmacological alternatives, where the project has a quarterly report, in which the status of each of these alternatives that are being tested or used is reported. We hope during this year to continue developing this type of alternatives, as they are very favorable in the rotation of active ingredients and environmentally friendly.


Due to the success achieved by the Caligus project, in 2015 Aquabench asks a group of companies to be part of a new project called SRS Control Project, whose main objective is to reduce the prevalence of SRS and its consequent use of antibiotics.

Today this committee is made up of 9 production companies, representing approximately 80% of the industry.

Three years after its implementation, the project has managed to generate agreements within the framework of the Antibiotic Use Reduction Plan, as well as great progress in terms of productive strategies, treatment strategy, among other lines of development, providing valuable tools to companies for productive-sanitary decision making, in order to reduce mortality losses due to SRS.


Muscle melanosis is an injury that affects the three species of salmonids farmed in Chile, but with special intensity Atlantic salmon, generating a high economic impact for the producers due to losses by product degradation, removal of the affected portion and increased processing time.

Aquabench has proposed an approach to the problem similar to that used in the Caligus and SRS projects, which is based on the generation of knowledge from a collaborative and continuous work among producers, focused on collecting standardized information per company in order to characterize the clinical presentation, evaluate the associated factors through epidemiological studies and coordinate the development of R&D activities with experts in the area.

In May 2022 Aquabench asked a group of companies to be part of a new project that aims to identify factors associated with the presentation of muscle melanosis in farmed salmon and define measures to reduce its presentation.

This project involves 9 production companies that represent approximately 70% of national production.

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